Speaking of being subject to government authorities Jesus said, “Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” ( Luke 20:25) Paul in his letter to Titus instructing him on doing ministry wrote, “Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show every courtesy to everyone.” (Titus 3:1-2)
While the New Testament Church set the standard for worshiping God every day and gathering for worship every Sunday, the actual practice here in West Virginia has always been affected by circumstances. In pioneer days it was often several months between visits by the circuit-riding preachers. And, we still have circuits so large that many United Methodist Churches gather only once or twice per month for Worship.
We are now being affected by a new kind of circumstances. National and local health officials fear the worst is yet to come from the Coronavirus pandemic.
Therefore, following the direction of the Centers for Disease Control, the advice of our Bishop Sandra Steiner-Ball, the directions of our President, Donald Trump, and our Governor, Jim Justice, the Poca United Methodist Church will have no public services, classes or committee gatherings until the Centers for Disease Control and our officials lift the restrictions. Because expenses continue, the Finance Committee is accepting checks and money orders made to Poca UMC and sent to P.O. Box 516, Poca, WV 25159.
We plan to have daily messages from Poca UMC on this Web site, and a Worship Service with recorded music and a sermon from Pastor John at 11:00 A.M. each Sunday. If you need a helping hand, call Johnie Pat Brown at 304-755-4788, and she may be able to find help.
Please continue to pray daily for your Church, for each other, and for the health and welfare of your neighbors. This would be a good time to get into the daily reading of Holy Scripture in your Bible. When you have opportunity, do random acts of kindness for others.
Pastor John