Tuesday, March 21, 2020

It is my intention to pose a personal question in my sermon this Sunday, April 26.  It is, — “How Personal Is Your Relationship with Jesus Christ?”

I suggest you read the text in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 26, Verses 31-46.  Then ask yourself the question — “How personal is my relationship with Jesus Christ?”  Ponder that all week as you go about your work or as you sit at home because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Get as specific with yourself as you can.  Your answer to this question is of utmost importance to your life in this world and crucial for your life in the world to come.

Pray every day for those who are working and searching for a cure for the coronavirus.  Pray for our medical teams that are on the front line.  Pray that none of us will be part of the problem; God’s word is the best source of wisdom we have.

Remember COVID-19 is still threatening the world.  The signs of the time warn us that we must not relax our guard.  Be careful to heed wise counsel.  Keep your hands clean.  Keep everything clean which any hand has touched, maintain the recommended social distancing and stay away from even a small crowd; so your family and friends will be safe  when this pandemic ends.  This is our prayer!

May our Lord watch over you and yours and keep you safe,

                                                                   –Pastor John

  • April 23, 2020