Friday, April24, 2020
Down the years, sometimes I learned that we need to be careful what we pray for, because we may get it.
Henry Ward Beecher tells of a woman who prayed for patience, and God sent her a poor cook.
The news causes me some concern that those who are so anxious to get back to the pre-coronavirus pandemic status-quo, may get their wish and in a few weeks wish they had not.
Perhaps this James Hewitt story will give you a chuckle and ease your tension:
“A man’s car stalled in heavy traffic as the light turned green. All his efforts to start the engine failed, and a chorus of honking behind him made matters worse. He finally got out of his car and walked back to the first driver and said, ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to get my car started. If you’ll go up there and give it a try, I’ll stay here and blow your horn for you.'”
Dear Lord, no fewer than eighteen times in Your Word, you have taught us the blessing of patience. Thank you for loving and caring for us in our weakness. Amen.
May God bless and keep you until we can meet again,
–Pastor John