Friday, May 1
Last Fall a new Sunday School Class was started here at Poca UMC for older adults. Maycle Mason was pressed into service as the teacher. Maycle had to miss several Sundays because of chronic health problems. She asked Karen Lacy, a member of the class, to sub for her. Also in the class was Karen’s sister, Sherry Lett.
I find it a “God sighting” that I recently learned that since the coronavirus pandemic has kept us from gathering, Karen and Sherry have been studying the Sunday School lesson together at Sherry’s home on Sunday mornings. They also watch our short Sunday Worship service at 11:00 A.M.
We may not be able to gather, but we all can read the Word of God and devotional materials. And, we can maintain our vital faith in Christ by communing with Him everyday in prayer. It probably will be helpful to set a certain time for devotions every day.
Gracious and loving God, we give you thanks that we have ways of still sharing in Worship in these troubling days. We pray for those who are ill, for their friends and loved ones, for those are lonely, those who are frightened, and the sorrowing. Grant us Your comfort and peace. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
–Pastor John