Pastor John spoke a few Sunday’s ago about Jesus’ prayer in John 17. In verse 20 Jesus prays; “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message…” How awesome, and what a comfort it is to know that He is actually including us in His prayer.
Just to be told, “I’m praying for you” is a powerful thing. When folks feel helpless, it strengthens; when friends are low, it encourages; when our life is in turmoil, it brings peace; when loved ones are far off and we cannot be there, it comforts them. When you have raised your children, they are grown and gone and there is nothing more you can really do, then keep praying and turn it over to Our Heavenly Father, but let them know that your prayers will always follow them wherever they may go in life.
Often times when we tell folks that we are praying for them they may say things like, “that’s nice, but it doesn’t do any good” or “I don’t need your prayers” just let them know how much you love them and how much God loves them and don’t ever stop praying (1 Thessalonians 5:17) because you have planted a seed and although you may never see it grow, growing it is indeed.
We should do all we can to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of others but there may be times that we cannot meet those needs but we can surely pray, and we should let it be known that we are praying for them so it will help provide that strength, encouragement, peace, and comfort. Just to know someone cares and is praing for you when you lay your head down at the end of day can mean all the difference.
God Bless and see ya soon, Neil