Encourage others through our life experiences…
There is always two layers to our story; what we see and what God is doing
It’s the pain that saves our life
God loves us too much to take away our pain, but at any other time, but the right time, and by any other way than the right way
Even if I cannot see God, He is working
When there is nothing left in the tank, our heart begins to open up, to God and others
Trust God’s timing
We have seen God work in the past,
so why cannot we trust Him now
Gen 50:20
Romans 8:28
We have been wounded, but we need to have the courage to keep going, because God is working
Temptation, deception, accusation
Disappointments lead the enemy to temp us
Stare at the temptation and we will be deceived
The accuser will tell us we will never be good enough so we will not have a testimony
Listen to those that pray for you, and keep them close. There will always be dissenters
Let our story unfold and look for the Hand of God in it
Go slow and let God work
It’s hard to plan for the future when the day is not settled
Trust is built with time and believable behavior
God won’t scold for asking why, but we need to ask what?
We will never understand the why, but we will find our answers in others testimony
Our God is good at being God, give it to Him
We don’t have to carry the weight, Let those that Love us, help us
Help others find hope in their story…