The Futility of Running Away (from “A Word with You with Ron Hutchcraft”) The party had been going just fine until a doctor who was there got very offended by something another guest said. He was in a rage! He stormed
Just Some Thoughts
from “A Word With You” by Ron Hutchcraft Washing in Water That Cannot Make You Clean It was one very hot day, and my granddaughter and I were watching some horses. One-by-one they made their way to the little pond to take in some more
The Sin Of Pandering “…do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a servant of Christ,” (Galatians 1:10). Paul wrote these words in a context that had one premise: There is only one gospel! (See also, 1 Tim. 1:3). He was disturbed that...
Pastor John spoke a few Sunday’s ago about Jesus’ prayer in John 17. In verse 20 Jesus prays; “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message…” How awesome, and what a comfort it is to know that He is...
The United Methodist Church, has “pedigree”, Let’s honor it! “the United States possesses three great parties; the Republican, the Democratic, and the Methodist Church” President Ulysses S. Grant
Monday, April 27, 2020 Church In The Time Of The Virus (Episode 9): Spurgeon And The Plague Of London When churches suspended their weekly brick and mortar meetings, I decided to take some time to address online what it looks like for the church to be the church in times...
Ever wonder what the fish emblem on the back of some vehicles stood for. Just something to take our minds somewhere else, if even just for a few minutes, enjoy… The fish, Greek ichthys (ἰχθύς), is a symbol for Christ which has been in use since the days of the early church....
I am in so many tears right now…! The little boy put on his clothes for the cold and then told his father: “Ok dad I’m ready” His Dad, the pastor, said: “Ready for what?” “Dad, it’s time to go outside and distribute our flyers.” Dad replied: “Son, it’s very...
PART 1: Attributes of God Attributes of God Part 2: God is Righteous and Holy Attributes of God Part 3: God is KING and LORD Attributes of God Part 4: God as Lawgiver and Judge